Saturday, October 25, 2003
Reserve is over and I have eight days off! Ordinarily that would be great news but instead of eight days to enjoy myself I am off to "Pistol Packen' Pilot" school. I only get ten days off each bid period (four weeks) and I had to fight tooth and nail to get eight of them in a row. That leaves me only two other days off for the whole period. The airline isn't required, nor are they inclined, to give me time off for the training. I get no reward for the position and I even have to buy my own weapon from the government. Are you starting to get the idea that someone doesn't really give a shit about this program? Well, you're right. This program was developed in response to pressures from congress and the airline pilots association. Pres. Bush is adamantly against it (figures). So the burden is squarely on our shoulders. Why, then, do I do it? By the way, I hate guns! I see the attitudes and systems that are designed to protect our cockpit from the type of attacks that occurred on Sept. 11 and they are lacking. So until they are fixed, this is the last resort. I will be gone for a week or so. AdiĆ³s!
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