
Saturday, September 24, 2005

If I lived on the Gulf Coast...I'd be dead.
I have decided I wouldn't be long for this world if I lived on the Gulf. Today, I am in Dallas and Hurricane Rita came ashore this morning east of Houston. We are getting the bits of weather along the edge here. I was out earlier and the wind was blowing steady at around 30kts with a cloudy tropical overcast. I was walking on an overpass and the wind picked up a bit. I was actually getting winded walking downhill. (Of course I get winded walking down stairs so that's not saying much.) The thing is, that I found myself hoping that the wind would get stronger...Maybe 80kts would be nice. I was innately drawn to this weather. I am firmly convinced that I would be one of those idiots standing on the beach with a Mai Tie in his hand as the wind grew past 100 kts. Just standing on the overpass I had an uncontrollable urge to shout "This is Jim Cantore in Corpus Christi facing the full brunt of hurricane Rita for the Weather Channel."

I love the fact that the Weather Channel feels that it's people need to be outside in the worst weather. In fact I think they shouldn't have an anchor desk. Everyone should be outside at all times. Some blond, who's trying to look good soaking wet in a raincoat while being pelted with airborne lawn ornaments, pitches it back to the desk and they cut to the anchors sitting in lawn chairs. Maybe under an umbrella...sipping lemonade...or Tequila...in bathing suites...and they're women...and they are covered with...sorry...never mind. Then they pitch it again; "...and now we're going to Chris Hawley on the shores of Corpus Christy who actually has a 2x4 sticking out of his head!"

Yea...I wouldn't last long.

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